Mark Eschbach

Software Developer && System Analyst


I've worked on a variety of software projects over the years (many, many years). Here rests the a number of projects I've worked on.


  • AngularJS
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • PowerDNS



A web based front end to manage authorative DNS entries.

Initial construction, role out, maintence. This was my first real foray into using AngularJS, and I use this software internally.


  • C++
  • Messaging

Project Webpage

A really long time ago

A simple library for communicating via STOMP.

Initial construction and mainteance. Becuase everyone needs a STOMP library. Alright, that's a lie, however at the time I was using it to attempt to reduce the footprint of an application. Turns out using Ruby did a better job when viewed through the lesen of time investment.


  • Java
  • Maven Centeral

Project Webpage


Open source utilities I tend to find makes programming in Java a little easier by looking at algorithms in a more general light. Includes utilities related to computer aglorithms, files, etc.


  • Java
  • Jetty
  • Tomcat

Project Webpage


A library for dynamically deploying web applications WARs for automated system testing.

Network Calipers

  • NodeJS



A tool for measuring the consumption of bandwidth transported over a TCP/IP connection.

Prolog Utilities

  • Prolog
  • Logic Programming



Prolog is an intersting language, so I captured some utility predicates here.