Mark Eschbach

Software Developer && System Analyst


NodeJS is a cooperative subroutine event-based system utilizing a hybrid of C++ and JavaScript via the v8 engine and libuv. The common deployment scenario for NodeJS is as a networked application through HTTP. When there are no longer event sources registered within the libuv runtime the v8 engine will be torn down.

NodeJS is best suited to high IO workloads with relatively light processing requirements. These arise out of the evened nature of `libuv` and the lack of a lightweight threading or fiber API for NodeJS. This may change over time, however the contemporary approach (2019) is to spawn additional processes to handle computational concerns.

NodeJS versus IOJS

In early 2015 core contributors finished a fork of NodeJS rebranded as io.js. They updated the v8 runtime and poured a great deal of effort into ensuring libraries supported both platforms. With the updated v8 runtime newer ES6 features are supported in addition to a number of bug fixes and other improvments.

Node Package Manager (NPM)

Not technically apart of node it's self, however this system is the default dependency manager for the system.

Outdated dependencies

NPM provides an awesome mechanism to list the outdated dependencies of a proejct.

npm outdated

This will list dependencies on the stadnard output of the process.

Notes - To be expanded on later

  • Autmoated workflow for browser related code: Another!: