At Virta we used InfluxDB to capture a lot of metrics. Although I revived the database from death several times I never really had the time to learn Influx. My recent Stack Overflow question is a great example.

Enhancing my platform at home, at this juncture I would like to use Influx to record various metrics. Originally I built a Node application to pull thermal sensor data from my workstation. This resulted in the jc and i2c drivers locking up due to polling every second; InfluxDB worked fine with the exception of that time it just stopped responding. Next step I would like to use Influx to measure request and response wall clock time on a NodeJS application.

This is a canonical problem to be resolved in this space. In the future it would be nice to swap out Influx for other metrics capture platforms or possibly a distributed tracing system like Zipkin. But for now, just capturing metrics provides me with a lot of data.

In node the base setup should be fairly straightforward:

const express = require("express");
const influx = require("influx");
const uuidv4 = require("uuid/v4");

const serverID = uuidv4();

function instrumentRequestTime( database ){
	const sink = new influx.InfluxDB({
		hosts: [{host:"localhost"}],
		batchSize: 100

	return function( req, resp, next ){
		const start =;
		const requestID = uuidv4(); = requestID;

		function endedRequest(){
			const end =;
			const timeTaken = end - start;
			console.log("Time taken: ", timeTaken);
				measurement: "request-response",
				tags: {
					path: req.path,
					method: req.method,
					protocol: req.protocol,
					route: "" || "[null]",
					statusCode: resp.statusCode
				fields: { elapsed: timeTaken }

		resp.on("finish", endedRequest);
		if( next ){

const restIface = express();
restIface.get("/delay", function(req,resp){
	}, 1000);
restIface.listen(9999, function(){
	console.log("Listening", {serverID});

This code works well. It works so well when invoked 300+ times a second it will cause InfluxDB to fall over. At least with version 1.7.5. While searching for solutions it looks like Influx is plagued by a number of problems across different versions. Using 1.7.4 resulted in a database which did not fail on insert.

Changing the route parameter for the point to route: (req.route || {}).path || "-" will result in the path show what a developer would expect to debug. Overall I will try to implement something like this in a future time slot.