Alright, I have a bit of time to crack the issue with the Docker build. In a Github issue they make reference to using the following:

RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps alpine-sdk python \
  && npm install --production --silent \
  && apk del .build-deps

So that kind of worked. Except for the fact I wanted NPM to be installed as the node user. So I came up with the following to work on it. So, on to the dance!

FROM node:10.4.1-alpine
ENV NDOE_ENV=production
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual /tmp/.build-deps alpine-sdk python
ADD *.js *.json /app/
RUN chown -R node:node /app
USER node
RUN npm install --production --silent

USER root
RUN apk del /tmp/.build-deps

USER node
EXPOSE 12345
CMD ["node", "cli.js", "omni"]

Well that worked well. No the only problem is the number of layers created as a result. If I remember correctly there is a flag on the build command to collapse all of these layers. --squash would be it. This took the image size from 325 MBs to 119 MBs, a lot more reasonable. I wish this was a closer to the 52 MBs on disk of my laptop but I will take it for now. Alright, the layer containing the system is only 52 MBs, I am totally willing to take that one.

There are some additional details which need to be cleaned up such as signal handling for termination. Probably placing a health check and documenting where the actual data is stored would be a good idea too. Maybe provide some extension points. But those are problems for another day.

At least some Travis builds I have worked on recently did not support it due to having an older version of Docker. I wonder if that has been fixed. I think for now I’ll not worry about automatically building and pushing Docker images into Docker Hub since I will need to figure out stages with container and sudo builds. I’ll just push myself for now.