Over the past two days I’ve been working on modifying the django-request-logger to honor the annotations of not logging the request entity nor the response entity. The two particular business cases which support this charge are security and throughput issues. If you are accepting a request or response entity which validate a password then the user password really shouldn’t be logged. Throughput is an issue with extremely large request or response entities. For some requests I’ve seen the response time take up to 92% in logging.

Yesterday I learned the particular test fixture used in the request logger does not report exceptions risen in the settings module. This was quiet unfortunate as I spent most of my non-meeting times yesterday chugging away at this. It was only after JG mentioned it was really strange the module is acting like something was not imported I realized all errors were being consumed.

Prior to the PR which will push 0.6.1 out we did not directly test the Django Rest Framework. Until I got 0.6.0 integrated into our main application there was not a reason to. Luckily a negative test pointed out the Django Request Logger needed to deal with nonexistent route gracefully. Getting DRF integrated was interesting and this was my first experience integrating it into an existing project.

The following was added to the libraries requirements-dev.txt file: djangorestframework==3.8.2. In the future I would like to expand the test matrix to test against multiple versions of DRF & Django but we just have pinned versions right now. Next up was creating a new DRF viewset and wiring it in.

from rest_framework import viewsets, routers

class UnannotatedDRF(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    @no_logging("DRF explicit annotation")
    def list(self, request):
        return HttpResponse(status=200, body="DRF Unannotated")

router = routers.SimpleRouter(trailing_slash=False)
router.register(r"widgets", UnannotatedDRF, base_name="widget")

Last up was probably the most annoying. This was my first time really modifying the URLs for a Django application. From best I can tell a URL in Django is a pair of (regex, func) group to consume a give URI from within the service. Nice and easy to hook up new route handlers. However this became a serious stumbling block in regards on how to integrate the router object. Initially I desired to add the the whole router under /drf to make the tests clear on what was being tested. However after working on the tests for a bit I eventually resigned to just having DRF work off the root URI. Perhaps with more experience in the future I will be able to clean that up and collapse it. For now this is what I had settled on:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^somewhere$', general_resource),
    url(r'^test_class$', TestView.as_view()),
    url(r'^test_func$', view_func),
    url(r'^test_msg$', view_msg),
    url(r'^dont_log_empty_response_body$', dont_log_empty_response_body),
] + router.urls

Once I got a few tests which exhibited the issue && I fixed then BAM pull request. Then Travis indicated a failure while I was cleaning up the PR text. Turns out Python 3.7-dev is upset.

Armed with pyenv life has been a bit easier. Just pyenv install 3.7-dev and wait. For a while. Not bad in terms of getting a software environment done. Until it spins for a while then fails. Fails because of zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available. Looking back at Getting multiple version of Python installed on OSX pyenv needs CFLAGS="-I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include" prefixed on OSX. Nope, no luck there. On to using a Linux machine.

Alright, so I setup a Linux machine with a Fuse SSH mount. Time to start debugging.

After some time, I’m not sure why the routes are being sucked in. We currently do not use Python 3.7-dev and I am not so certain we should be supporting pre-release builds. Unforunately I’m out of time and will have to return to the future comparability at another time.