Peering the pipeline
• Mark Eschbach
First up is to figure out how to override the default log levels in Sinatra. I would really like debugging information when I encounter an error I don’t understand. After RTFM I think I might use the following:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
configure :development do
enable :logging
logger.level = :debug
Well that blew up. Alrighty. On to more interesting means. Middleware maybe? Well that failed miserably, the logger wasn’t created yet. And of course StackOverflow resolves the issue for me. I first tried the before
method, then saw the configure
block approach. The configure
block approach is cleaner.
configure :development do
puts "Configuring for development"
set :logging, Logger::DEBUG
Done with that challenge. I’m an oddity with the peer application directing the browser to establish the user’s identity when the user identity is already known. It looks like a cookie path issue, I’ll see if I can fix it later. Annoying :frowning:. I wonder if I can get emoji generated via Jekyll. So ignoring that, I’ve improved the diagnostic application to provide the details of the user which should allow me to finish the QA pipeline to ensure peering works as expected. Logging makes life so much easier.
Also, the Spawn actually buckled down and typed in a whole bunch of code from his Minecraft Python book. He had a lot of fun seeing the changes he could make. Apparently minecraft will let a character go to 100K blocks high and fall. For a while. That took some help to fix that.