First steps of 3D printing
• Mark Eschbach
For Christmas I received a Hictop Prusa I3 3D printer. I finally found time to being watching the videos from the manufacturer. I don’t mind the at home feeling of the videos to much. I’m a little confused about the numbering of the vdeos with the format $N 9 $TITLE
for each one, but okay. The first video isn’t much more than “there is a box”! So far I wishing they would give me schematics of the build so I can verify the placements against the intent. Maybe I overlooked it in teh docs. All of the instructions are in milimeters which is cool. I need to ensure my tap measure has those markings. The videos trigger a strange behavior with Youtube where it continually flashes into the pause state.
My tap measure does not measure in milimeters, so this will be interesting. I found a straight edged rule I could use, or Google to do the conversions for me.
The videos show extruded alumninum rodes to build the frame, but the box I have doesn’t have any. The vidoe link is the same and the included disc is in a format we can’t read. So after much searching for the 3DP08 we haven’t yet found any instructions. All instructions begin with the Y axis assembly with extruded aluminum rods which we dont’ have in our kit.
After much searching we found RepRap’s, which is the base model ours is based off of but doesn’t quiet match up. After more searching I then found someone’s doc on a Microsoft site. Hmm, looks like that will work if we can’t extract more detailed information from the disk. I’m hoping we can! Anyway, off ot hunt down some pokemon!